Press Releases

Date Press release - Topical issues
Government announces appointments to Energy Advisory Committee
SEE attends Forum on Global Action for Shared Development in Beijing (with photos)
SEE begins visit in Beijing (with photos)
SEE to attend Forum on Global Action for Shared Development in Beijing
APEC holds Workshop on Promoting Digital Solar Resources Maps and Management Technologies in Hong Kong, China (with photos)
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services requests two power companies to enhance resilience of power supply system for coping with adverse weather (with photos)
Energy Saving and Decarbonisation for All 2024 Campaign launched (with photos)
Government concerned about CLP's voltage dip incident at 400kV overhead power supply system
Ninth round of Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme approves five projects
Government announces Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong (with photos/video)
Expert Group on Conservation for Sha Lo Tung convenes first meeting (with photo)
SEE meets Managing Director of CLP regarding power outage incident in Wong Tai Sin area (with photo)
Government highly concerned about power supply incident in Wong Tai Sin area
Wild Animals Protection (Amendment) Ordinance 2024 gazetted
Subsidy arrangement of New Energy Transport Fund revised
Government announces ceiling price adjustment mechanism for charging electric taxis and electric public light buses at designated charging stations and extension of tender invitation periods for sales of two lots for converting into quick charging station
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department requests CLP Power Hong Kong Limited to submit report on power supply incident in some areas of Kowloon and New Territories
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department requests CLP Power Hong Kong Limited to submit report on power supply incident in some areas of Kowloon and New Territories
Secretary for Environment and Ecology attends Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (with photos)
Five more trial projects on hydrogen fuel technology given agreement-in-principle by Inter-departmental Working Group on Using Hydrogen as Fuel (with photo)
SEE inspects energy facilities in GBA (with photos)
Government sells site at Kowloon East for electric vehicles charging station purpose and announces ceiling price and adjustment mechanism for charging of electric taxis and public light buses at designated charging stations
Government establishes Expert Group on Conservation for Sha Lo Tung
Extension of first registration tax concession arrangement for electric vehicles for two years and relevant new arrangements
Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Working Group on Environmental Protection holds meeting in Hong Kong (with photos)
Government completes review of power plant emission allowances
Capacity Building Training on Retro-commissioning of Association of Southeast Asian Nations held in Hong Kong (with photos)
Countryside Conservation Office holds "Explore the Enchanting Countryside" Roving Exhibition (with photos)
35th Meeting of APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis held in Hong Kong (with photos)
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department conducted meeting with CLP Power Hong Kong Limited on power supply incidents in Tsing Yi
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department requests CLP Power Hong Kong Limited to submit report on power supply incident in Tsing Yi
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department requests CLP Power Hong Kong Limited to submit report on the power supply incident in areas in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi