Combat global warming You and I can do it (Broadcast in Cantonese)
SEN: |
Nature has a delicate yet balanced system to regulate the Earth's temperature We are producing a large amount of carbon dioxide while consuming energy Carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases Accumulating a large amount of carbon dioxide will alter the temperature and affect the balance of the natural environment In the long run, this will cause the global mean temperature to rise A slight change in the temperature can impact the environment in all sorts of ways These include increased rainfall, severe floods and droughts Melting of glaciers raises the sea level and may even lead to outbreaks of epidemic diseases Don't think these "global issues" have nothing to do with you Take Hong Kong as an example, do you find our summers getting hotter every year? In fact, over the past decades, Hong Kong's temperature has been rising faster than the global mean temperature Statistics show that annual carbon emissions in Hong Kong have surpassed 40 million tonnes and over 60% of that comes from electricity generation Other major emission sources are cars on streets and waste treatment, etc. If we do not change our current lifestyle and continue misusing our natural resources By the end of this century, Hong Kong may see a further increase of temperature by several degrees The consequences and impacts of climate change cannot be predicted To prevent the situation from getting worse, we must move together! |
Girl: | I use handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues |
Female: | I bring my own bottle of water. |
Female: | I will always carry a reusable bag |
SEN: | Let's adopt a green lifestyle together |
Male: | I can do it! |
Female: | I can do it! |
Male: | I can do it! |
Female: | I can do it! |
SEN: | You and I can both do it! |
Together: | I can do it! |
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