Membership List of Advisory Committee on Countryside Conservation


Membership List of Advisory Committee on Countryside Conservation

(With effect from 1 July 2023 for two years)


Secretary for Environment and Ecology#



Mr CHAN Ka-chun, Jan

Ms CHAN Ka-mun, Carmen, B.B.S., J.P.

Professor CHEN Hung-chi, Leslie, J.P.

Mr CHIU Chi-fai, William 

Ms CHUNG Wai-man, Sylvia

Ms FOK Ching-yin, Amelia

Professor LAM Kin-che, S.B.S., J.P.

Hon LAM Siu-lo, Andrew, S.B.S., J.P.

Ms LAU Man-kwan, Julia , J.P. 

Dr LAU Wai-neng, Miguel 

Mr LEE Chung-ming, Eric

Ir LOK Ka-ming, Kenny

Professor NG Cheuk-yee, John 

Professor TING Sun-pao, Joseph, B.B.S.


Ex-officio Members

Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment) or representative

Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) or representative

Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation or representative



Chief Executive Officer (Countryside Conservation Office), Environment and Ecology Bureau

# The Secretary for Environment and Ecology may, if needed, appoint the Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology as Acting Chairman to preside at the meeting of the Advisory Committee on Countryside Conservation.