Water Pollution Control Appeal Board Panel

Water Pollution Control Appeal Board Panel

(Section 30 of the Water Pollution Control Ordinance, Chapter 358)

Membership list (with effect from 1 February 2022 for three years)

Mr. YEUNG Ming-tai, M.H. (Chairman)

Ir. CHAN Sze-yu, Furla

Professor LIU Hong-bin

Miss NG Yuen-ting, Yolanda, M.H.

Professor WONG Kong-chu, Chris

Miss WONG Sum-yee, Rachel

Professor ZHANG Tong, M.H.


Executive Officer (CBD) 1
Environment and Ecology Bureau
Address: 33/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel: 2594 6324
Fax: 2872 0603


Operating hours for the Secretariat:
9 am to 6 pm on Monday to Friday
(Lunch break: 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm)