Hong Kong has no indigenous energy resources. The Government considers the private sector best placed to supply our energy requirements in response to market demands.
Electricity is supplied by the CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power) and the Hongkong Electric Company Limited (HEC) which are investor-owned. They do not have a franchise. On a de facto basis, CLP Power supplies electricity to Kowloon and the New Territories, including Lantau, Cheung Chau and several other outlying islands, whereas HEC supplies electricity to Hong Kong Island and the neighbouring islands of Ap Lei Chau and Lamma.
The fuel mix for electricity generation in Hong Kong in 2020 (in sent-out basis) is listed below:
Fuel |
Percentage |
Natural Gas |
48 |
Nuclear Energy and renewable energy |
28 |
Coal |
24 |
Fuel gas is supplied for domestic, commercial and industrial uses. Two main types of fuel gas are available: towngas, distributed by the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), supplied by oil companies. Natural gas is being used for electricity generation and production of towngas.
The objectives of our energy policy are:

to ensure that the energy needs of the community are met safely, reliably, efficiently and at reasonable prices; and
to minimise the environmental impact of energy production and use and promote the efficient use and conservation of energy.
In keeping with Hong Kong's free market economic philosophy, the Government intervenes only to safeguard the interests of consumers where necessary, ensure public safety and protect the environment. The oil and gas companies, under a voluntary code of practice entered into with the Government, maintain strategic reserves of gas oil and naphtha respectively. We monitor the performance of the power companies through the Scheme of Control Agreements. The reliability performance of the two power companies are made available online in the Information Highlights of CLP and annual substainability reports of HEC. We have entered into an Information and Consultation Agreement with the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited to make the Towngas tariff adjustment mechanism more transparent. We promote energy efficiency and energy saving measures in consultation with the power companies.
The Electricity Ordinance (Cap.406) and the Gas Safety Ordinance (Cap.51) regulate the safe supply of electricity and gas and the safety of household electrical products and gas appliances. Among other things, they cover the registration of generating facilities, contractors and workers for electrical and gas installations, wiring and gas installation standards and safe distribution and use of electricity and gas.
The Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation was enacted in 1997 and its main provisions, including specified safety requirements for household electrical products, came into effect in May 1998. The remaining provisions concerning certificates of safety compliance requirements commenced operation in December 2000. The Electricity Supply Lines (Protection) Regulation was enacted in April 2000 to deter damage to underground electricity cables and overhead electricity lines. It commenced operation on 1 April 2001. The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulation and the Gas Safety (Miscellaneous) Regulation were amended in 2002 to regulate the import, supply and installation of domestic gas appliances for use in Hong Kong.