Legislative Council Questions
Question asked by Ir Dr the Hon HO Chung-tai regarding the CLP Lights Up Hong Kong programme
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Date of Sitting : 19 December 2001
Asked by : Ir Dr the Hon HO Chung-tai
Replied by : Secretary for Economic Services
With regard to the event "CLP Lights Up Hong Kong" which was launched on the 9th of this month, will the Government inform this Council whether it knows:
(a) how the Hong Kong Tourism Board ("HKTB") as the organizer promotes this event;
(b) the number of tourists attracted to this event so far, and provide a breakdown by the tourists' country or place of residence; and
(c) if HKTB plans to organize similar events in the coming year?
In April 2001, the HKTB launched a two-year marketing campaign for Hong Kong, entitled "City of Life: Hong Kong Is It!", and has been promoting it in all major source markets. The CLP Lights up Hong Kong is the first in a series of five mega events under this major campaign.
(a) The HKTB started promoting the CLP Lights Up Hong Kong in April 2001 and will continue the promotional efforts until 26 February 2002 to cover the Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year festive holidays.
The CLP Lights Up Hong Kong is being promoted through a variety of channels to cover all target groups.
The HKTB promotes the event in overseas markets through the Internet, presentations to local and overseas trade partners, promotion activities for overseas travel trade and consumers, and publications in various travel trade and consumer magazines. Specifically, extra effort has been put into promoting the event in the three key markets of Mainland China, Taiwan and Japan through road shows and promotional packages etc. The HKTB also tied the launch ceremony of the CLP Lights Up Hong Kong with the visit of more than 200 senior overseas travel executives and some 80 overseas media to Hong Kong. This visit is part of a marketing programme to showcase the glamour and charm of the "City of Life".
For visitors in Hong Kong, the event is publicised through themed decorations at the airport, the HKTB Visitor Information and Service Centres, hotels, and the MTR Airport Express. The promotional materials include banners, posters, leaflets, a video for hotel guests and a special CLP Lights Up Hong Kong events and activities guide.
For the local community, the spectacular launch of the CLP Lights Up Hong Kong with the Aqua Fantasia fountain show at the UC Centenary Garden in Tsim Sha Tsui East and the pyrotechnic display outside the Hong Kong Cultural Centre was broadcast live on television. In addition, a promotional video has also been produced to publicise the event. The HKTB also uses media functions and advertisements in both the print and the electronic media including radio and TV to spread the message.
The HKTB has created a number of new tours to capitalise on the CLP Lights Up Hong Kong event. These include the "Galaxy of Lights Tram Tour", the "Kowloon Hop On, Hop Off Sightseeing Bus Tour", the "Hong Kong Lights Up Tour" which includes the Aqua Fantasia fountain show, and the "Sunset Cruise" for Putonghua speaking visitors.
(b) Based on information from the HKTB's travel trade partners, it is estimated that during the period, about 120,000 visitors will visit Hong Kong with tour groups which feature the CLP Lights Up Hong Kong programme in their itineraries. The majority of these tour groups are from Mainland China, Taiwan and Japan; and some from Southeast Asia and South Korea. As regards individual travellers, it is difficult to estimate the number at this early stage.
As a mega event, the CLP Lights Up Hong Kong serves a dual purpose: to act as a special attraction to encourage more visitors to come to Hong Kong, and to encourage those already visiting to stay longer.
Surveys are being conducted during the period of the event to gauge the impact of this event, and to assess in particular, the number of visitors who have come to Hong Kong and/or have extended their length of stay to coincide with the event.
(c) The HKTB's strategic plan is to sustain its efforts in the development of events and products for the benefit of the tourism industry. The HKTB will continue to leverage on the momentum created by the Christmas and Lunar New Year festive lighting put up by various sectors of the community, and repackage them with other events and programmes to attract more visitors to come to Hong Kong during this usually quiet period for the travel industry.
Economic Services Bureau
December 2001