LegCo Questions and Replies - 2005
LegCo Questions and Replies - 2005
Date |
LegCo Questions and Replies |
21.12.2005 |
LCQ15: Petrochemical Plant in Daya Bay |
14.12.2005 |
LCQ20: Government attitudes towards not serving Shark's fin dishes at banquets |
14.12.2005 |
LCQ13 : Measures adopted by Government Offices to save electricity |
7.12.2005 |
LCQ1: Plastic disposable tableware |
2.11.2005 |
LCQ 17: Pilot test on waste incineration by private company |
16.11.2005 |
LCQ15 : Wider use of renewable energy in public works projects |
16.11.2005 |
LCQ13: Government departments encouraged to reduce power consumption |
9.11.2005 |
LCQ3 : Pilot schemes to enhance conservation of ecologically important sites |
2.11.2005 |
LCQ 17: Pilot test on waste incineration by private company |
26.10.2005 |
LCQ 14: Stench from refuse collection points |
19.10.2005 |
LCQ5: Effectiveness of advising motorists to switch off vehicle engines while waiting |
29.6.2005 |
LCQ17: Reduction of effluent discharge |
22.6.2005 |
LCQ4 : Monitoring of air quality |
22.6.2005 |
LCQ18: Work of the Council for Sustainable Development |
15.6.2005 |
LCQ1: Government to specify total emission cap in new licences of power plants |
15.6.2005 |
LCQ7: EPD closely observes trial fireworks displays at Hong Kong Disneyland |
8.6.2005 |
LCQ15 : The dumping of disposed waste electrical and electronic equipment |
8.6.2005 |
LCQ7: The possible impact and harm caused by electronic wastes to environment and public health |
25.5.2005 |
LCQ12 : Designation of latest progress and timetable for Lantau North (Extension) Country Park |
25.5.2005 |
LCQ16: Operation of livestock waste composting plants and provision of livestock waste collection services |
25.5.2005 |
LCQ5 : The treatment of waste oil in Hong Kong |
19.5.2005 |
LCQ1: Location of Container Terminal 10 |
11.5.2005 |
LCQ12: Special measures to conserve trees |
11.5.2005 |
LCQ7: Setting up of regional air quality monitoring network |
5.5.2005 |
LCQ6: Government adopts comprehensive and omni-directional strategy on pollution control technology |
4.5.2005 |
LCQ13: Reviewing Hong Kong's AQOs from scientific perspective |
27.4.2005 |
LCQ6: Workshops handling used electronic materials must comply with stringent environmental requirements |
20.4.2005 |
LCQ 15: EPD steps up enforcement against illegal operations of e-waste workshops |
6.4.2005 |
LCQ20 : Procurement and utilisation of compost by Government |
6.4.2005 |
LCQ11 : Progress of retrofitting pre-Euro diesel vehicles with emission reduction devices |
9.3.2005 |
LCQ20 : MOS Rail train noise level complied with statutory limits |
9.3.2005 |
LCQ19: Joint effort to improve the water quality of Shenzhen River |
9.3.2005 |
LCQ13 : Measures to tackle the problem of electronic waste |
9.3.2005 |
LCQ8 : Measures to control vessel emissions |
9.3.2005 |
LCQ7 : Government adopts green procurement policy |
9.3.2005 |
LCQ4 : Waste management plan for Hong Kong Disneyland being drawn up |
2.3.2005 |
LCQ10: Measures to facilitate the development of the manufacturing industry |
2.3.2005 |
LCQ5: Not feasible to extend the use of LPG vehicles to other vehicle types |
2.3.2005 |
LCQ4 : Existing administrative and legislative measures to protect trees effective |
2.3.2005 |
LCQ1 : Landowners' rights not deprived of by new nature conservation policy |
1.3.2005 |
LCQ15: Aircraft noise |
23.2.2005 |
LCQ2 : Measure taken to address impact of emissions from diesel-powered through trains |
2.2.2005 |
LCQ17 : Tree planting scheme for country parks |
2.2.2005 |
LCQ8 : Fees for construction noise permits |
2.2.2005 |
LCQ15 : Hong Kong and Shenzhen works closely to improve regional air quality |
26.1.2005 |
LCQ39: Commercial activities in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park |
26.1.2005 |
LCQ4 : Government committed to protecting the environment of streams and rivers |
26.1.2005 |
LCQ2 : Existing policies on conservation of natural rivers and streams effective |
26.1.2005 |
LCQ29 : Storage sites for abandoned electronic products |