LegCo Questions & Replies - 2010 Energy

LegCo Questions & Replies - 2010


Date Topics
01 Dec 2010 LCQ 19: The wider use of electric vehicles
17 Nov 2010 LCQ18: Engine stalling incidents of liquefied petroleum gas vehicles
17 Nov 2010 LCQ 9: Emission and operational mode of public light buses
17 Nov 2010 LCQ3: Development of nuclear power
10 Nov 2010 LCQ16: Recovery and treatment of waste batteries
10 Nov 2010 LCQ5: Nuclear energy
20 Oct 2010 LCQ2: Integrated Waste Management Facilities
20 Oct 2010 LCQ18: Air pollutant emissions from aircraft
20 Oct 2010 LCQ 8: Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works and West Kowloon Refuse Transfer Station
20 Oct 2010 LCQ2: Progress of tourism development projects and conservation of rural areas with tourism value
07 Jul 2010 LCQ9: Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station
30 Jun 2010 LCQ 12: Nuclear electricity, clean and renewable energy
09 Jun 2010 LCQ18:Regarding emissions from franchised buses
19 May 2010 LCQ6: Development of electric vehicles
12 May 2010 LCQ18: Reduction target of Hong Kong
05 May 2010 LCQ2: Offering petrol of lower octane numbers
28 Apr 2010 LCQ13: Location and planning of petrol filling stations
28 Apr 2010 LCQ11:Parking spaces for vehicles carrying cylinder liquefied petroleum gas
28 Apr 2010 LCQ10: Termination of Chevron domestic LPG service
21 Apr 2010 LCQ14: The development in using renewable energy to generate electricity
14 Apr 2010 LCQ 14: Incidents of erroneous charging at fuel and liquefied petroleum gas filling stations
14 Apr 2010 LCQ 8: Trial scheme to retrofit Euro II and III buses with selective catalytic reduction devices
17 Mar 2010 LCQ15:Reduction in the emissions from franchised buses and the resultant pollution problems
03 Mar 2010 LCQ15: Use of disposable and reusable food containers by schools
03 Mar 2010 LCQ11:Target and work on emission reduction
24 Feb 2010 LCQ18: Emissions by non-franchised buses
03 Feb 2010 LCQ19: Producer responsibility schemes
20 Jan 2010 LCQ18: Offshore wind farm
20 Jan 2010 LCQ5: Engine stalling problem of LPG taxis and minibuses
13 Jan 2010 LCQ 17: Impact on the environment of offshore wind farm
13 Jan 2010 LCQ14: Electricity generation facilities of the two power companies
06 Jan 2010 LCQ16: Development of EcoPark
06 Jan 2010 LCQ11: Protection of endangered species
06 Jan 2010 LCQ1: Air quality monitoring network in Hong Kong