Applications for Trial (AT) 
Eligibility for Application
Eligible Applicants
An AT applicant must be an existing transport operator based in Hong Kong (including cross-boundary transport) who:
- operates commercial transport tools including goods vehicles (including special purpose vehicles), taxis, light buses, buses, vessels, motorcycles, non-road vehicles (applicable to vehicle models approved by the Transport Department or the Airport Authority Hong Kong), or the aforesaid transport tools of charitable/non-profit making organisations providing services to their clients;
- has been in the relevant transport service for more than two years with supporting documents to show at least two-year ownership/use of the conventional counterpart of the green innovative technology product proposed for trial;
- will likely remain in the service after the trial to bear fruit;
- has the potential to put the new technology under test into wider use in its own operation upon successful trial;
- will apply to install its own charging station in the same application, or will use available charging stations in the market, to support daily charging of the subsidised product if it is an electric ones;
- is willing to share with other operators the findings of the test of subsidised product;
- is not receiving or has not received funding from other Government sources, public bodies or charitable organisations for the same purpose of the application, except the tax incentive schemes to encourage the use of electric vehicles and environment-friendly commercial vehicles;
- is not a supplier or manufacturer of green innovative technology product proposed for trial, or its related companies*.
* : "Related Companies" under the NET Fund is defined as:
(i) a holding company which directly owns more than 50% shares of an applicant;
(ii) a subsidiary company with more than 50% shares directly owned by the holding company in (i); and
(iii) a subsidiary company with more than 50% shares directly owned by the applicant.
Please refer to Coverage of [Related Companies]
In order to allow more operators to participate in the trial of green innovative transport technologies, if applicants with common director(s) or reserve director(s) submit applications on the same type of green innovative transportation technology, the Steering Committee will only consider either one application. If different types of green innovative transport technologies are involved, applicants may submit separate applications for the Steering Committee’s consideration.
The AT applicant will be required to provide supplementary information on its director(s) or shareholder(s) in the application form. For instance, if any of its director(s) or shareholder(s) is employed in other companies and whether such companies have applied or are applying NET Fund, etc., this supplementary information will be considered by the Steering Committee in vetting the application.
Technologies Supported
AT subsidises trial of green innovative transport technology which:
- works on sound scientific principles;
- outperforms its conventional counterpart by emitting significantly less air pollutant or greenhouse gas, or demonstrating much better fuel economy. However, regular upgrading of emission performance of conventional fossil fuel transport tools in accordance with the prevailing international standards (e.g. European standards) should not generally be qualified for application;
- has not been commonly or widely used for day-to-day operation in the relevant transport trade locally;
- is affordable to the transport trades in respect of capital and operation costs;
- is likely able to cope with the local operating conditions such as hilly terrain, hot and humid climate, intensity of operation, etc.;
- does not violate any statutory requirements such as roadworthiness, fire safety, etc. and can satisfy the approval requirements of the relevant regulatory authorities;
- is not for research purpose; and
- is not covered under the Applications for Use of the NET Fund.
The products to be subsidised for commercial transport may involve:
- new energy vehicles or vessels such as electric vehicles or vessels, hybrid vessels, plug-in hybrid vessels, etc.;
- after-treatment emission reduction devices applicable to vehicles or vessels such as diesel particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction devices, exhaust gas recirculation systems, wet scrubbers, etc.;
- fuel saving devices applicable to vehicles or vessels; or
- conversion of in-use conventional (e.g. petrol, diesel or liquefied petroleum gas) vehicles or vessels to new energy vehicles or vessels.
With reference to the government's policy to promote zero-emission vehicles, the Steering Committee agreed to remove hybrid vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles from the list of products to be subsidised, so as to focus the resources on trial of new energy transport technologies with zero roadside emission.
As technology continues to develop, green innovative technology products other than the above may also be available for trial by the transport sectors. The Steering Committee will consider such applications on a case-by-case basis.
Subsidy Level
AT of new energy transport products (vehicles and vessels) only subsidises the capital cost of the hardware of the green innovative technology product proposed for trial. For AT of retrofitting conventional transport tools (diesel, petrol or liquefied petroleum gas vehicles and vessels), in addition to the capital cost of the hardware, the subsidy also includes the conversion and installation cost. AT does not subsidise the associated recurrent expenditure. Please refer to the Table below for the subsidy level of various technologies.
An applicant is allowed to submit more than one application to try out different technologies or to test products from different suppliers for the same technology under the same application to compare performance subject to the caps in the Table. The total AT subsidy for each applicant and its related companies is capped at $12 million. The cap cannot be combined with the subsidy cap of $12 million for Applications for Use of the NET Fund, and vice versa.
Green innovative technology product under AT |
Subsidy level |
Subsidy cap |
(a) |
New Energy Transport Products (vehicles and vessels) |
(i) |
Subsidy per product |
(i) |
50% of the cost of the new energy transport product |
$1.5 million per vehicle $10 million per vessel $10 million per application
(ii) |
Related support system |
(ii) |
50% of the hardware cost. The subsidy caps for each AC charger and DC charger are $15,000 and $300,000 respectively. Trial of 1-2 subsidised product(s) can apply for 1 charger; trial of 3-4 subsidised products can apply for up to 2 chargers. |
(b) |
Retrofitting Conventional Transport Tools (diesel, petrol or liquefied petroleum gas vehicles and vessels) |
(i) |
After-treatment emission reduction device |
75% of the cost of after-treatment or fuel saving device including installation, or the conversion cost of the conventional vehicle |
$500,000 per after-treatment or fuel saving device or conventional vehicle conversion $3 million per engine or propulsion device of vessel $10 million per application |
(ii) |
Fuel saving device |
(iii) |
Conversion of in-use conventional vehicle to new energy vehicle |
(iv) |
Engine retrofit or testing of new energy engine or propulsion device for conventional vessel |
75% of new energy engine or propulsion device, including installation |
As technology continues to develop, green innovative technology products other than the above may also be available for trial by the transport sectors. The Steering Committee will consider such applications on a case-by-case basis. Related subsidy levels and caps are the same as above.
Limits of Applications
There are limits on the number of AT applications for each type of transport (1) and on the number of products being tested. Please see the Table below. Also, each application is limited to one type of green innovative transport technology, and one type of transport.
Limit on each green innovative transport technology |
(a) |
Total no. of applications |
15 applications or the recommended product number recommended by the Steering Committee(2) |
(b) |
Total no. of products tested in one application |
50% of the no. of conventional transport owned by the applicant that are of the same type as the trial transport (3), maximum of 4 vehicles/vessels (4). |
(c) |
Total no. of products from the same supplier in one application |
50% of the no. of conventional transport owned by the applicant that are of the same type as the test transport (3) . Unless there is only one model in the market, applications for more than one vehicle/vessel must be supplied by different suppliers, and the total number of products from the same supplier is capped at two (5). |
(d) |
Total no. of applications approved for an applicant and its related companies |
4 to 7 applications, depending on the situation |
Note: |
(1) |
Transport means commercial vessels or various classes of commercial vehicles, including motorcycle, light bus, taxi, and various classes of goods vehicles and buses. See the Guide to Applications for Trial. |
(2) |
90 single-deck electric buses, 90 electric taxis and 15 for each new model of non-van type electric light goods vehicles. The quota for electric medium goods vehicles have been exhausted. In addition, the Fund has ceased accepting applications for van-type electric light goods vehicles and suspended applications for electric taxis. |
(3) |
Except non-profit-making organisations. |
(4) |
If the applicant owns only one conventional transport of the same type as the trial transport, the limit on the number of trial product is 1. |
(5) |
If the vehicle type to be tested has only one model on the market that has been approved by the Transport Department, the applicant can propose to test other models, but it must provide documents to prove that the manufacturer of the vehicle to be tested or its authorised local agent has submitted an application for approval of the vehicle model (or the same series of models) to the Transport Department, or to prove that the vehicle model to be trialed (or the same series of models) has been approved in other regions to show that the model has considerable attributes to meet the approval requirements of the Transport Department. If the vehicle to be trialed is parallel imported into Hong Kong, the vehicle to be trialed must pass the pre-first registration inspection of the Transport Department and the applicant is required to provide information on maintenance support for the Steering Committee's consideration in vetting the application. |
Application for the Fund
Please refer to the following documents for AT application.
Guide to Applications for Trial
Requirements for Application on Trial of New Energy Vehicles
Form for Applications for Trial (New Energy Vehicles / Vessels)
Form for Applications for Trial (Emission Reduction / Fuel Saving Device or Conversion)
Please refer to the following document for withdrawing an application or terminating a trial.
Form for Request for Termination and Withdrawal of Subsidized Trials
Applicant has to fill out the above application form (including signatures and company chop) and submit it together with the required supporting documents by the following means:
(a) Online application: directly fill in the above online application form;
(b) By post or by hand:
The New Energy Transport Fund Secretariat
Environment and Ecology Bureau (Environment Branch)
33/F, Revenue Tower
5 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
(c) By e-mail:
( Note: For application submitted by email, the total file size of the attachment is limited to 10Mb and the file format must be .docx, .jpg or .pdf )
The Secretariat will normally be able to complete assessing an application in one to two months and report the outcome to the Steering Committee for deliberation if all the requested information is properly provided in the application. However, a longer time may be required should there be many applications awaiting the vetting or the application involves a technology or issues that require more time to consider. The Secretariat will notify the applicant before the Steering Committee considers the application.
With the increasing popularity of electric commercial vehicles in the mainland and overseas, and that their payload, range and charging speed have also been greatly improved, the operational needs of the trade could be met in general. A merit-based approach has been included to the technical assessment of application (i.e. based on the characteristics of the trial, the potential environmental benefits it can bring, how the trial results can promote the applicant and the trade in adopting electric commercial vehicles, as well as assist the Government in policy formulation) to evaluate whether the applications should be supported, so as to utilise the Fund more effectively to promote the green transformation of the entire transport sector.
Furthermore, to allow more operators to participate in the trial of green innovative transport technologies, the Steering Committee recommended that applicants and companies / organisations with common director(s) or reserve director(s) can only submit new application for testing out the same type of green innovative transport technology six months after completion of their previous trial.
The Government reserves the right to reject an application on the grounds that the applicant has engaged, is engaging, or is reasonably believed to have engaged or be engaging in acts or activities that are likely to cause or constitute the occurrence of offences endangering national security or otherwise the exclusion is necessary in the interest of national security, or is necessary to protect the public interest of Hong Kong, public morals, public order or public safety.
Subsidy Agreement
After an application has been approved, the applicant, as the subsidy recipient, must sign an agreement with the Government and shall comply with all the agreement terms and conditions for receiving the AT subsidy from the NET Fund. Attached below is a sample agreement for reference. In the final agreement to be signed between the successful applicant and the Government, the Government may revise the terms to cater for the situations of the subject application and the relevant recommendations of the Steering Committee.
Sample Agreement for Applications for Trial
Management of Trial Projects
Trial Schedule
Subsidy recipients are required to purchase the subsidised product(s) within 3 months and commence the trial within 12 months after the agreement of subsidy has been signed. In case of any delay, the Secretariat will immediately terminate the Subsidy Agreement and release the application quota to other applicants.
Acknowledgment of Support
Subsidy recipients are required to display the "New Energy Transport Fund" logo in a conspicuous position on the subsidised products and all publicity material as an acknowledgement of the subsidy source.
Reimbursement of Subsidy
The subsidy recipient can apply for reimbursement of 75% of the subsidy upon full payment of the subsidised product and after the trial has commenced for 3 months with timely submission of the operation data to the third party assessor. The subsidy recipient can apply for the remaining 25% of subsidy after achieving the estimated mileage stated in the application form and/or has satisfied other approval requirements. This can ensure the subsidy recipient conducts the trial in accordance with the plan set out in the application form and achieves the expected emission reduction.
Product Performance Data Collection
During the trial period, the subsidy recipient shall record fuel/energy consumption, maintenance cost and any other relevant data on a daily basis for evaluating the performance of the subsidised product being tested. The subsidy recipient shall also provide for comparison the performance of conventional product(s) used for the same or similar purpose during the trial period or other historical period to be required in the subsidy agreement. The subsidy recipient shall provide the types of data in the form specified by the Government. Please refer to the sample forms below for the types of data to be collected for an example of electric vehicles and conventional vehicles.
Product |
Sample forms |
Electric Vehicle/Vessel |
Trial Operation Report (Electric Vehicle/Vessel) Maintenance Report of Trial Product (Electric Vehicle/Vessel) |
Hybrid Vehicle/Vessel |
Conventional Vehicle/Vessel
Emission Reduction / Fuel Saving Device Retrofitted on Vehicle/Vessel |
Trial Operation Daily Report (Emission Reduction / Fuel Saving Device) Non-routine Maintenance Report of Trial Product (Emission Reduction / Fuel Saving Device) Trial Operation Monthly Report (Emission Reduction / Fuel Saving Device) |
Transfer of Subsidised Products or the Company Shares of the Recipient’s Company
If the subsidy recipient sells or transfers the ownership of the subsidised product; or the company transfers 50% or more of the company shares to a third party within two years after completion of the trial, the subsidy recipient shall return the total subsidy amount to the Government.
Approved Trials
There are 300 trials under the AT for testing 212 electric light goods vehicles, 36 single-deck electric buses, one double-deck electric bus, six electric light buses, 40 electric taxis, five electric medium goods vehicles, two electric heavy goods vehicles, one motorcycle, one electric special purpose vehicle, 47 hybrid light goods vehicles, 27 hybrid medium goods vehicles, 22 hybrid public light buses, two single-deck hybrid buses, one solar air-conditioning system for bus, four electric inverter air conditioning systems for buses, three diesel-electric propulsion systems for ferries, one seawater scrubber for ferry, three electric working boats and two electric kaitos involving a total subsidy of about $243 million.
Summary of number of applications and products in the trials
Invitation for Provision of Subsidised Products
You may click on the below link to find out the invitation posted by the subsidy recipients for provision of subsidised products.
Trial Products
Below is the information about the green innovative technology products now under trial and other relevant information for reference.
Electric Vehicles
Information about the products under trial:
Vehicle Class |
Model and |
Subsidy Recipients and Trial |
Light goods vehicle (van type) |
China Wealth Hong Kong Machine Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Mechanical Plant Maintenance Service Chun Tat Motor Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Vehicle Maintenance Services DT Group (HK) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Vehicle Maintenance Services Frans Trading Enterprises Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Building Renovation Services Hotex (H.K.) Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Kitchen Cabinet Delivery Kamwai Tyre Service Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle Rent A Truck Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Servicing Rental Vehicles
Chan Foon Kee - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Renovation Services Container System Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Container Maintenance Service Elephant Motors Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Moving Service Kam Po Engineering Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Gas Engineering Industry Koon Hing Engineering Co. - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Renovation Services Mango Telecommunications Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Telecommunication Product Trading New Creat Auto Engineering Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Maintenance Service Real Best Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Manufacture and Wholesale of Noodles Shanghai Construction Overseas Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Civil Engineering Industry Sendon Electrical Service - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Electrical Engineering Industry Take Well Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service Vast Profit Construction Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Civil Engineering Industry Wing Ming (Car Rental) Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Vehicle Maintenance and Freight Services |
Ah Ngau Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Civil Engineering Industry Bassey Holdings Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Decoration and Construction Engineering Service Fish Marketing Organization - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Fish Delivery Four Season Restaurant - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Food Products Delivery Grandasy Engineering Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Mechanical Engineering Industry N-Power Investment Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Electrical Engineering Industry Pan Kee Engineering Co. Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Civil Engineering Industry Wah Fat Transportation Company - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Transportation Industry Wholesome Company - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Gardening Service Vegetable Marketing Organization - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Vegetable Delivery II Yee Hing Eggs Wholesale Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Eggs Wholesale Industry
Chi Shing Transportation Company - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Construction Industry Hong Kong Automobile Association - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Emergency Vehicle Rescue Service Kwoon Chung Motors Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Servicing Passenger Transport Industry |
Cathay Pacific Catering Services (H.K.) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Catering Service Gate Gourmet Hong Kong Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Catering Service The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Electric Light Goods Vehicles on Campus Tong Kee Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Engineering Industry |
Aplus Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for E&M Engineering Industry Bassey Holdings Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Decoration and Construction Engineering Service Cinpek Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Civil Engineering Industry Darwin Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Construction Engineering Industry Ferrari Logistics (Asia) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service Garment Express Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Retail and Wholesale Industry Guardforce Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Security Service Hongkong International Terminals Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Container Operation Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Telecom Maintenance Services Hong Kong Wastewater Treatment Plant Management Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Wastewater Treatment Service Hong Kong Youth Hostels Association - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Hostel Management Kau Kee Development Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Retail Industry Laser Cutting Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Renovation Service Modern Terminals Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Container Terminals Operation New Method Cleaning Services Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Cleaning Services Pan Asia Pacific Aviation Services Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Aviation Maintenance Products Delivery Pat Chun International Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Retailing Industry Success Trading (HK) Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Electronic Product and Electrical Appliances Trading Sun Cheong Transportation Hong Kong Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Transportation Service Talent Scout Management Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Retailing Industry The Net-A-Porter Group Asia Pacific Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Retailing Industry W. L. Engineering (H. K.) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Construction Engineering Industry World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Sustainability Education
Airport Freight Forwarding Centre Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Logistics Industry DHL Express (Hong Kong) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Courier Service II Ever Success Enterprise Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Vehicle Repairing and Maintenance Product Delivery Hong Kong Productivity Council - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Industry Support Organization Kum Shing (K.F.) Construction Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Construction Industry LF Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service II New Method Cleaning Services Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Cleaning Service II Tak Cheong Loong Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Oil Fuel and Lubricant Delivery The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for University The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for University II Waste & Environmental Technologies Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Environmental Service |
Airport Authority Hong Kong - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Airport Operation BioCycle (Hong Kong) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Pest Management Service C & C Logistic Services Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Logistics Service Chun Dak Engineering (HK-Macau) Company Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Construction Industry CM Geotechnics Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Civil Engineering Industry DHL Express (Hong Kong) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Courier Service Geotech Engineering Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Construction Industry Hong Kong International School Association Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for School French International School "Victor Segalen" Association Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for School Kau Kee Hong Kong Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Retail and Wholesale Industry LF Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Logistics Services Lung Wai Air-Conditioner & Electrical Engineering Co. - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Building Services Mak Hang Kei (Hong Kong) Construction Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Construction Industry New Method Cleaning Services Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Cleaning Service Ray Ray Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Exhibition Production and Stage Decoration Services Swire Beverages Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Beverage Delivery The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Electric Light Goods Vehicles on Campus Vegetable Marketing Organization - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Vegetable Delivery |
Kau Kee Hong Kong Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Retail and Wholesale Industry II Tai Po Frozen Meats Co. - Electric Light Goods Vehicle for Frozen Food Distribution Service |
Federal Express (Hong Kong) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Courier Service TNT Express Worldwide (HK) Limited - Electric Light Goods Vehicles for Courier Service |
Medium goods vehicle |
Regal Transportation Services (Asia) Limited - Electric Medium Goods Vehicle for Logistics Services |
Taxi |
Lai Sun Motors Company Limited - Electric New Territories Taxi Shu Sang Taxi Company - Electric New Territories Taxis Sunny Engineering Company - Electric New Territories Taxi |
Private bus |
Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited - Single-deck Electric Buses for Residents' Service in Discovery Bay International Trademart Company Limited - Single-deck Electric Buses for KITEC and MTR Kowloon Bay Station Shuttle Service Kwoon Chung Motors Company Limited - Single-deck Electric Buses for Resident Shuttle Service Sun Bus Limited - Single-deck Electric Buses for Shuttle Service |
Public bus |
Best Power (HK) Services Limited - Single-deck Electric Bus for Coach Hiring Service Tai On Investment Limited - Single-deck Electric Bus for Coach Hiring Service |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Single-deck Electric Shuttle Buses on Campus |
Light bus |
King Long Public bus XMQ6706CYBEVS |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Electric Light Bus for University |
Hotel ICON Limited - Electric Light Buses for Hotel Guest Shuttle Service |
Other References:
- Electric vehicle models available in Hong Kong
- Guidelines on chargers and chargers locations
- Technical Guidelines on Charging Facilities for Electric Vehicles by Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
- Electric Vehicle Hotline of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department: 3757 6222
Hybrid Vehicles
Information about the products under trial:
Vehicle Class |
Model and |
Subsidy Recipients and Trial |
Light goods vehicle (non-van type) |
A. S. Watson Group (HK) Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Supermarket Atta-Trans Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service DKSH Hong Kong Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service Ecospace Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Chemical Waste Collection E-Tech Management (Hong Kong) Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Recycling Industry Kau Kee Development Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Retail Industry Kei Shun International Logistic Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Logistics Service Kingsforce Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Seafood Delivery Po Tak Transport Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Services S.F. Express (Hong Kong) Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Courier Service Shing Hing Chemical Company Limited- Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Chemical Products Delivery Shing Wah Trading (Hong Kong) Limited- Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Logistics Services Tong Shun Hing Poultry Hong Kong Co. Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Poultry Products Delivery Wai Men Yuen Gardening & Engineering Co. Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Gardening Service UPS Parcel Delivery Service Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Courier Service |
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter Eco Hybrid 5.5t |
DHL Aviation (Hong Kong) Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service DHL Express (Hong Kong) Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Courier Service Hong Kong Yakult Company, Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Beverage Delivery K. C. Dat Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Moving Service Kam Lung Trading Company Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Vegetable Delivery Service Kwai Bon Transportation Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service MTR Corporation Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Transportation Industry Multi-Asia Investment Development Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Bread Delivery P & J Logistics Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Logistics Service P & J Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Logistics Service R&B Express Co. - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Courier Services Shun Hing Logistics Company Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service Swire Beverages Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicles for Beverage Delivery Yee Sun Garden Limited - Hybrid Light Goods Vehicle for Landscaping Horticultural Maintenance Service |
Medium goods vehicle |
Atta-Trans Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Logistics Service Canaan Moving Co. Ltd - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Moving Services DKSH Hong Kong Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service Ecospace Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Chemical Waste Collection Po Tak Transport Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicles for Logistics Services The Build-Up Plastic and Metal Company Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Plastic and Metal Product Delivery The Pharmason Company Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicles for Pharmaceutical Product Delivery Tong Shun Hing Poultry (HK) Co. Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicles for Poultry Delivery Wai Men Yuen Gardening & Engineering Co. Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Gardening Service Yee Sun Garden Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Landscaping Horticultural Maintenance Service |
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter Eco Hybrid 7.5t |
DHL Express (Hong Kong) Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Courier Service Kerry Distribution (Hong Kong) Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicles for Logistics Service On Mei Tak Environmental Technology Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicles for Transportation of Recycling Materials Swire Beverages Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicles for Beverage Delivery YKK Hong Kong Limited - Hybrid Medium Goods Vehicle for Zipper Delivery |
Public Bus |
Hang Po Transportation Company Limited - Single-deck Hybrid Bus for Coach Rental Service Wah Kwok Transportation Company Limited - Single-deck Hybrid Bus for Coach Rental Service |
Public Light Bus |
Big Three Limited - Hybrid Light Bus for Green Public Light Bus Service Hong Kong Metropolitan Bus Limited - Hybrid Light Bus for Green Public Light Bus Service Teamwise Corporation Limited - Hybrid Light Buses for Green Public Light Bus Service Yan Yan Motors Limited - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Public Light Bus Service |
Chan Siu Ying - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service Chung An Company - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service Double Winner Corporation Limited - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service Goden Par Co - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service Hoi Ying Company - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service Hung Kay - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service Leung Sick Chiu - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Red Public Light Bus Service Ma Shui Hing - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service Multi Logistics Limited - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Public Light Bus Service Nam Kee Transport Company Limited - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Public Light Bus Service Pokfulam Maxicab Company Limited - Hybrid Public Light Buses for Green Public Light Bus Service Top Billion (Asia) Limited - Hybrid Public Light Bus for Green Minibus Service |
Emission Reduction or Fuel Saving Devices for Vehicles
Information about the products under trial:
Vehicle Class |
Model and |
Subsidy Recipients and Trial |
Private bus |
Green Power Industrial Limited Solar Air-conditioning System
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation - Solar Air-conditioning System for Shuttle Bus
Public bus |
Tai Chang TCD08Z Electric Inverter Air-conditioning System
Tong Kiu Traffic Services Limited - Electric Inverter Air-conditioning System for Cross-boundary Bus Express Tourist Bus Company Limited - Electric Inverter Air-conditioning System for School Bus Jackson Coach Hire Service Limited - Electric Inverter Air-conditioning Systems for School Buses |
Emission Reduction or Fuel Saving Devices for Vessels
Information about the products under trial:
Trial Product Information |
Subsidy Recipients and Trial |
Diesel-electric Propulsion System
The “Star” Ferry Company, Limited - Diesel-Electric Propulsion System for Ferry
The “Star” Ferry Company, Limited - Seawater Scrubber for Ferry
Trial Reports
The subsidy recipient shall conduct the approved trial of the green innovative transport technology in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the subsidy agreement. To ensure that the trials conducted comply with the approved conditions in the agreement and to verify the environmental performance of the new technology under trial, the Environment and Ecology Bureau (Environment Branch) has engaged the independent third party assessor(s) to monitor the trials and evaluate the operational performance of the green innovative transport technology under trial and compare with its conventional counterpart. Please click on the following link to select and download the trial reports.
Trial Reports for Electric Vehicles
Trial Reports for Hybrid Vehicles
Trial Reports for Emission Reduction or Fuel Saving Devices for Vehicles
Trial Reports for Emission Reduction or Fuel Saving Devices for Ferries