Applications for Use (AU) 
The Steering Committee supported the Secretariat to include electric taxis (e-taxis) and electric franchised buses (e-FBs) in the AU and remove them from the subsidy scope of the AT. The information of the relevant schemes is as follows:
e-Taxi Subsidy Scheme
Introduction of the Scheme
To further promote the application of e-taxis, the Fund launched under the AU the e-Taxi Subsidy Scheme on 10 December 2024 to subsidise the taxi owners to replace 3 000 old taxis with e-taxis. The subsidy level for each e-taxi is $45,000.
Eligible Taxis
We have issued invitation letters to the owners of the first 3 000 oldest taxis (First Registration Date on or before 9 May 2013, except Fleet Taxis committed to fulfilling the Transport Department’s Taxi Fleet Licence requirements). Details of the Subsidy Scheme are set out in the invitation letter. The taxi owner must within the respective specified deadlines reply whether to participate in the Subsidy Scheme or not, submit the procurement document, and license the e-taxi so as to receive the subsidy.
Retrospective Arrangement
There is a retrospective arrangement for the first round of invitations (not applicable to the subsequent rounds of invitations, if any). For e-taxis which were procured and licensed between 27 June 2024 (the day following the Government’s first introduction of the Subsidy Scheme to the taxi trade) and 10 December 2024 (the day on which the Subsidy Scheme was announced), they are also eligible if the original taxis were among the first 3 000 oldest taxis.
Ownership Transfer Arrangement
Before the e-taxi is Licensed
The Subsidy Scheme allows ownership transfer of an old taxi before the e-taxi is licensed, but all the deadlines will not be extended due to the ownership transfer of the old taxi. When the ownership of a taxi is transferred, the original taxi owner bears the responsibility of informing the new taxi owner whether the transferred taxi is eligible to participate in the Subsidy Scheme or not. After the ownership of a taxi participating in the Subsidy Scheme is transferred, the new taxi owner must proactively contact the New Energy Transport Fund Secretariat to sign the reply slip of the Subsidy Scheme, so as to confirm the agreement of the subsidy terms.
If within the deadline the taxi owner replies not to participate in the Subsidy Scheme (the last reply will prevail) or does not reply, regardless of whether there is an ownership transfer of the old taxi or not, the original taxi owner or the new taxi owner shall in no case receive any subsidy quota for that taxi again. If there are any remaining quotas, we will invite other taxi owners to participate in the Subsidy Scheme according to the Date of First Registration of the vehicles.
After the e-taxi is Licensed
During the two-year period after the e-taxi is licensed, if there is any ownership transfer, the taxi owner who has received the subsidy must return to the Government the full subsidy amount (except for the death or bankruptcy of the taxi owner).
The first batch of invitation letters was issued on 20 December 2024. The relevant flowchart of the ownership transfer arrangement is as follows:
Flowchart of Ownership Transfer Arrangement (In Chinese Only)
Wheelchair Accessible e-taxis
The Fund has also earmarked $50 million to subsidise the trade to purchase wheelchair accessible e-taxis to cater for the travelling needs of the elderly people and persons with disabilities. When there are wheelchair accessible e-taxi models in the market, the Secretariat will formulate the subsidy framework and invite applications in due course.
Contact Details
Telephone: 2824 0022
Fax: 2909 9526
Address: New Energy Transport Fund Secretariat
Environment and Ecology Bureau (Environment Branch)
34/F, Revenue Tower
5 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Electric Franchised Buses Subsidy Scheme
In order to speed up the green transformation of public buses, the Fund has launched under the AU the Electric Franchised Buses Subsidy Scheme to subsidise franchised bus operators to purchase e-FBs, with a view to assisting franchised bus operators in the gradual green transformation while accommodating their actual operational conditions. The Subsidy Scheme will cover franchised bus operators’ procurement of about 600 brand new single-deck and double-deck e-buses at $400,000 and $800,000 each respectively, or at 25% of their respective capital cost, whichever is the lower.