How Can I Help

Government Departments
The FEHD has all along been maintaining close collaboration with various government departments and providing them with technical support to facilitate them in implementing effective rodent control measures in areas under their management. For example, with regard to public housing developments, the FEHD had conducted site visits to nine public rental housing (PRH) estates managed by the Housing Authority (HA), and provided specific recommendations on rodent proofing work in PRH estates. As at the end of October 2020, the HA has installed more than 16 900 rat guards at suitable places on external walls of PRH estates, and conducted trial of thermal imaging cameras in two PRH estates. To strengthen inter-departmental collaboration, the FEHD and the Housing Department formed a working group to be co-chaired by the Deputy Directors of the two departments, with a view to formulating and implementing more effective anti-rodent measures and rodent proofing devices, as well as concrete action plans for PRH estates. Moreover, the HA will continue to enhance the environmental hygiene of PRH estates (including markets and/or shopping malls managed by the HA), identify rodent hotspots and take actions and keep various operational records for pest control analysis and review the anti-rodent operations. At the same time, the HA will encourage neighbourhood support (involving residents and stakeholder organisations) of rodent control through various channels in order to strengthen the rodent control in the communities.
The Public
The rodent control strategy is to take targeted measures to eliminate the fundamental survival conditions of rodents, namely food, harbourage and passages. Efforts have been made to eliminate rodents’food sources and hiding places as well as to block their dispersal routes.
Pamphlets download- Prevent Disease Eliminate Rodent Nuisance (Household setting)
Management Companies of Residential Developments
To prevent rodent infestation, management companies must cleanse the premises and the surroundings frequently and keep the area clean, and should adopt rodent-proofing measures.
Shopping Centres
Improper handling of food debris in food premises, accumulation of disused articles, improper storage of goods, and structural defects such as cracks and holes in the ground contribute to rodent problems in shopping centres. Besides, the space above false ceilings also provides good harbourages for rodents, while damaged false ceiling panels may provide channels for rodents to travel between a false celling and the floor.
Rural Villages
In rural villages, food remnants and refuse provide food sources for rodents, while disused articles and temporary structures are ideal hiding places for them. Besides, improperly maintained drains and sewers also provide favorable harbourages and easily accessible passages for rodents.
Construction Sites
Food, food remnants and refuse in construction sites, if not handled properly, may become a source of food for rodents. Temporary structures (e.g. offices and storerooms) may also provide harbourage for rodents. The management should remove food sources for rodents, eliminate rodent harbourage and exclude rodents from the areas. Request professional pest control operators to handle rodent problems if necessary.
Markets/Fixed Pitch Hawker Stalls/Hawker Bazaars
Food, food remnants and refuse in markets/fixed pitch hawker stalls/hawker bazaars, if not handled properly, may become a source of food for rodents. Accumulation of goods, refuse collection rooms, covered surface channels and structural defects such as cracks and holes on the ground also provide harbourage for rodents. Stall tenant should:
- Store food inside stalls properly.
- Avoid accumulation of disused articles, refuse or junk; store goods properly and inspect regularly.
- Keep the environment clean, dispose of food remnants and refuse properly in covered rubbish bins and clear daily.
Food Premises
In order to prevent rodent infestation, the premises must be kept clean and tidy. Food remnants should be cleared every night and accumulation of articles should be avoided. Also, articles stored in the premises should be moved regularly to prevent rodents from harbouring inside. Moreover, the following rodent proofing measures should be adopted e.g. avoid installing false ceilings in food preparation or storage areas to eliminate rodent harbourage. Also do not prepare food or clean dining wastes in rear lanes to reduce food sources for rodents.
Cargo Handling Areas
Food, food remnants and refuse in cargo handling areas, if not handled properly, may become a source of food for rodents. Temporary structures (e.g. offices), accumulation of disused articles, improper storage of goods, and structural defects such as cracks and holes on the ground may also provide harbourage for rodents. The management should remove food sources for rodents, eliminate rodent harbourage and exclude rodents from the areas. Request professional pest control operators to handle rodent problems if necessary.