Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme - Events Information

Please click event month to view event information

23 events
Event Date Non-profit-making Organisation (NPO) Project Name Event Type Event Name

Click Event Name to visit NPO's event web page

1 March
(whole day)
The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation Limited and the Conservancy Association Management Agreement Scheme at Lai Chi Wo Enclave (2021-2024) Bazaar Lai Chi Wo Farmers' Market
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
1 - 31 March
(whole day)
Centre for Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, HKUrban Lab, Faculty of Architecture of The University of Hong Kong Micro-renewal of Architectural Landscape for Ruin Gardens: Re-habitation of Tree-House Courtyards and Revitalisation of Communal Spaces for Lo Wai in Kuk Po Village Activity Ruins Garden Daily Open Lo Wai Ruin Garden
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 March (10:45am - 12:15pm) HakkaHome-LCW Limited Image Reinforcement: Rehabilitation of Lai Chi Wo "Pailou's", the Gateways to the Village, and the Placemaking of the Space Around Guided Tour Lai Chi Wo traditional hakka architecture guided tour
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
5 March
The Chinese University of Hong Kong From Valley to Plain II: Architectural Rehabilitation for Integrated, Co-creative Eco-living Experience in Tin Sum Village, Kuk Po Workshop Kuk Po- Eco-living and Cultural Experience Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Tin Sum Village and Lee's Mansion
8 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Guided Tour Mountain Lab Local Tour Guide
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
8 - 9 March
(whole day)
Association for Sha Tau Kok Culture and Ecology and Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme (2024-2027) Activity Forest Village Campsite Public Open Day
(Chinese website only)
Mui Tsz Lam (North District) & Kop Tong
8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 30 March Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Fun Day Mining Festival
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
8, 16 March
(11:00am -1:30pm)
Association for Sha Tau Kok Culture and Ecology and Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme (2024-2027) Guided Tour Mui Tsz Lam & Kop Tong Ecology and Cultural Guided Tour
(Chinese website only)
Mui Tsz Lam (North District) & Kop Tong
9 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Workshop Mining Village Culture Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
9 March
(1:15pm - 2:30pm)
HakkaHome-LCW Limited Image Reinforcement: Rehabilitation of Lai Chi Wo "Pailou's", the Gateways to the Village, and the Placemaking of the Space Around Workshop Traditional Hakka Tile Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
15 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Workshop Mining Village Culture Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
16 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Guided Tour Mountain Lab Local Tour Guide
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
21 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Activity Mining School (School Promotion Program)
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
22 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Workshop Mining Village Culture Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
23 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Workshop Mining Village Culture Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
29 March
(whole day)
Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong and Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme (2024-2027) Activity Citizen Scientist Programme-InsectBlitz 2025 The University of Hong Kong, Lung Fu Shan Country Park, Mui Tsz Lam (North District) & Kop Tong
29 - 30 March
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Experiential Tour Mountain Hut Life Experience Camp
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
29 - 30 March
(whole day)
Association for Sha Tau Kok Culture and Ecology and Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme (2024-2027) Activity 29 - 30/3 Forest Meet Up Camp
(Chinese website only)
Sha Tau Kok, Lai Chi Wo & Mui Tsz Lam (North District)
30 March
(whole day)
Environmental Association Limited Management Agreement on the Private Land with High Conservation Value at Fung Yuen Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest in Tai Po, Hong Kong (2024-2027) Activity Fung Yuen Butterfly Festival Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve
30 March
(1:15pm - 2:30pm)
HakkaHome-LCW Limited Image Reinforcement: Rehabilitation of Lai Chi Wo "Pailou's", the Gateways to the Village, and the Placemaking of the Space Around Workshop Wood Restoration Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
March (whole day)
Enquire directly and confirm appointment with Organisation
Environmental Association Limited Conservation and Revitalisation Strategies for Historical and Ecological Heritages of Grass Island: A Case Study of a More Than 400 Years of History Island’s Sustainability Guided Tour Tap Mun Ecology and Cultural Tour
(Chinese website only)
Tap Mun
Enquire directly and confirm appointment with Organisation
(half day)
Green Power Limited Provision of Proactive Habitat Management and Related Services at Sha Lo Tung Talk/Seminar A Glimpse into the Sha Lo Tung Wetlands School
Enquire directly and confirm appointment with Organisation
(half day)
Conservancy Association and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Nature and Human in Harmony – Nature Conservation Management for Ho Sheung Heung 2023-2026 Workshop Bird Ecology Board Game Workshop
(Chinese website only)

19 events
Event Date Non-profit-making Organisation (NPO) Project Name Event Type Event Name

Click Event Name to visit NPO's event web page

1 - 30 April
(whole day)
Centre for Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, HKUrban Lab, Faculty of Architecture of The University of Hong Kong Micro-renewal of Architectural Landscape for Ruin Gardens: Re-habitation of Tree-House Courtyards and Revitalisation of Communal Spaces for Lo Wai in Kuk Po Village Activity Ruins Garden Daily Open
(Chinese website only)
Lo Wai Ruin Garden
4, 12, 18, 27 April
(11:00am - 1:30pm)
Association for Sha Tau Kok Culture and Ecology and Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme (2024-2027) Guided Tour Mui Tse Lam & Kop Tong Ecology and Cultural Guided Tour
(Chinese website only)
Mui Tsz Lam (North District) & Kop Tong
5 April
The Chinese University of Hong Kong From Valley to Plain II: Architectural Rehabilitation for Integrated, Co-creative Eco-living Experience in Tin Sum Village, Kuk Po Workshop Kuk Po- Eco-living and Cultural Experience Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Tin Sum Village and Lee's Mansion
5 April
(whole day)
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Activity Mining Landscape Study and Conservation Day
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
5 - 6 April
(whole day)
Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong and Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme (2024-2027) Activity Citizen Scientist Programme-InsectBlitz 2025 The University of Hong Kong, Lung Fu Shan Country Park, Mui Tsz Lam (North District) & Kop Tong
6 April
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Guided Tour Mountain Lab Local Tour Guide
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
6 April
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Workshop Mining Village Culture Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
11 April
(whole day)
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Activity Mining Landscape Study and Conservation Day
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
12 April
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Workshop Mining Village Culture Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
12, 19 April
(10:45am - 12:15pm)
(1:15pm - 2:30pm)
HakkaHome-LCW Limited Image Reinforcement: Rehabilitation of Lai Chi Wo "Pailou's", the Gateways to the Village, and the Placemaking of the Space Around Workshop Activation of Space Facilities
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
13 April
The Chinese University of Hong Kong From Valley to Plain II: Architectural Rehabilitation for Integrated, Co-creative Eco-living Experience in Tin Sum Village, Kuk Po Workshop Kuk Po- Eco-living and Cultural Experience Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Tin Sum Village and Lee's Mansion
13 April
(whole day)
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Activity Mining Landscape Study and Conservation Day
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
13 April
(1:00pm - 2:30pm)
HakkaHome-LCW Limited Image Reinforcement: Rehabilitation of Lai Chi Wo "Pailou's", the Gateways to the Village, and the Placemaking of the Space Around Workshop Washed Granolithic Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
19 April
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Guided Tour Mountain Lab Local Tour Guide
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
20 - 21 April
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Experiential Tour Mountain Hut Life Experience Camp
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
27 April
(whole day)
Environmental Association Limited Management Agreement on the Private Land with High Conservation Value at Fung Yuen Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest in Tai Po, Hong Kong (2024-2027) Activity Fung Yuen Butterfly Festival Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve
1 - 30 April
(to be confirm)
HakkaHome-LCW Limited Image Reinforcement: Rehabilitation of Lai Chi Wo "Pailou's", the Gateways to the Village, and the Placemaking of the Space Around Exhibition Retrospective Exhibition
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
Enquire directly and confirm appointment with Organisation
(half day)
Green Power Limited Provision of Proactive Habitat Management and Related Services at Sha Lo Tung Talk/Seminar A Glimpse into the Sha Lo Tung Wetlands School
Enquire directly and confirm appointment with Organisation
(half day)
Conservancy Association and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Nature and Human in Harmony – Nature Conservation Management for Ho Sheung Heung 2023-2026 Workshop Bird Ecology Board Game Workshop
(Chinese website only)

9 events
Event Date Non-profit-making Organisation (NPO) Project Name Event Type Event Name

Click Event Name to visit NPO's event web page

1 - 31 May
(whole day)
Centre for Chinese Architecture and Urbanism, HKUrban Lab, Faculty of Architecture of The University of Hong Kong Micro-renewal of Architectural Landscape for Ruin Gardens: Re-habitation of Tree-House Courtyards and Revitalisation of Communal Spaces for Lo Wai in Kuk Po Village Activity Ruins Garden Daily Open
(Chinese website only)
Lo Wai Ruin Garden
10 May
(whole day)
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Activity Mining Landscape Study and Conservation Day
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
17 May
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Workshop Mining Village Culture Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
18 May
(whole day)
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Activity Mining Landscape Study and Conservation Day
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
24 - 25 May
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong Ma On Shan Village "Mountain Lab" Project Experiential Tour Mountain Hut Life Experience Camp
(Chinese website only)
Grace Youth Camp and Ma On Shan Village
25 May
(whole day)
Environmental Association Limited Management Agreement on the Private Land with High Conservation Value at Fung Yuen Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest in Tai Po, Hong Kong (2024-2027) Activity Fung Yuen Butterfly Festival Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve
1 -31May
(to be confirmed
HakkaHome-LCW Limited Image Reinforcement: Rehabilitation of Lai Chi Wo "Pailou's", the Gateways to the Village, and the Placemaking of the Space Around Exhibition Retrospective Exhibition
(Chinese website only)
Lai Chi Wo
Enquire directly and confirm appointment with Organisation
(half day)
Green Power Limited Provision of Proactive Habitat Management and Related Services at Sha Lo Tung Talk/Seminar A Glimpse into the Sha Lo Tung Wetlands School
Enquire directly and confirm appointment with Organisation
(half day)
Conservancy Association and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Nature and Human in Harmony – Nature Conservation Management for Ho Sheung Heung 2023-2026 Workshop Bird Ecology Board Game Workshop
(Chinese website only)
Note: the above information is provided by the project organisations and is only for reference. Please note that the latest activity details and arrangement as announced by the project organisations shall prevail. For details, please refer to the webpages link above or contact the project organisations directly.
Click here to view photo gallery of past events.